Implementing decree of Law No. 193/2023 on oncological oblivion

On April 24, 2024, the implementing decree issued by the Minister of Health (the “Decree”) to Law No. 193/2023 on oncological oblivion (“Law No. 193/2023”), approved last December, was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Gazette of the Italian Republic).

As provided for under Article 5 of Law No. 193/2023, with the Decree, the Minister of Health has issued the below list of oncological pathologies for which shorter terms for the oncological oblivion shall apply than the general term of 10 years (or 5 years if the interested was younger than 21 years at the diagnosis) pursuant to Article 2 of Law No. 193/2023:

Type of tumor Specifications Years from the end of treatment
Colonrectal Stage I, any age 1
Colonrectal Stage II-III, >21 years 7
Melanoma >21 years 6
Breast Stage I-II, any age 1
Cervical cancer >21 years 6
Uterin Any age 5
Testicular Any age 1
Thyroid Women diagnosed <55 years/ men diagnosed <45 years. Excluding anaplastic tumours for both sexes  


Hodgkin’s lymphomas <45 years 5
Leukemias Acute (lymphoblastic and myeloid) any age 5

The above list may be updated by December 31st of each year.