Market protection and regulation: practical implications

More than 60 guests attended the conference “Market protection and regulation: practical implications” organised by PG Legal in collaboration with TopLegal and hosted by Spazio Chiossetto in Milan on 25 October.

The event was introduced by Gianfranco Puopolo and moderated by Giovanna Aucone, experts in the insurance sector. In the panel participated renowned operators of the Italian insurance market, such as Alberto Maria Maturi (Sheltia), Marco Passafiume Alfieri (CNP), Roberto Radice (Bene Assicurazioni) and Simone Martelli (Solyda), who contributed to a practical and constructive discussion, offering insights based on their experience gained in the field over the years.

The topics addressed included the most recent developments in the regulatory field, such as the implementation of IDD and POG directives in the Italian market. The panel addressed the draft of the letter to the market published on October 6, by IVASS in the public consultation procedure, wherein the Italian Authority expressed its expectations regarding the implementation of the POG and the parameters applied during inspections, as well as the importance of the value for money principle in the product testing. The members of the panel discussed how the expectations expressed by the Authority would impact the insurance business and in particular the life insurance business.

For more details on the event, please refer to Valentina Magri’s article published on TopLegal: