EU-US Data privacy framework: The european parliament expresses concerns.

With the recent resolution adopted on 11 May 2023, the European Parliament voted against the “Data Privacy Framework”, i.e. the new agreement intended to regulate the transfer of personal data between the European Union and the United States. Already, back on the 14th of February 2023 the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs […]

Nosocomial Infections: How to Establish Liability

The Supreme Court of Cassation has pronounced a historic sentence marking a turning point in the question of attributing medical liability in cases where nosocomial infections have arisen. The decision refers to those infections that the patient allegedly contracts within the hospital or other healthcare facilities and establishes that they cannot fall within the objective […]

Measures Against The Financing Of Companies Producing Mines And Ammunition

Until 12 June 2023, the document on the “Instructions of the Bank of Italy, COVIP, IVASS and MEF for the exercise of enhanced controls on the work of authorized intermediaries to counter the financing of companies producing antipersonnel mines, cluster munitions and submunitions” is in joint public consultation. In compliance with law 220/2021 and in […]

The Introduction Of The Confiscation By Equivalent In Italy For The Crime Of Smuggling

The change The Italian Legislative Decree n. 156/2022 amended article 301 of the TULD (Italian Consolidated Text of Custom Laws), allowing the possibility of equivalent value confiscation for the offence of smuggling when it is not possible to proceed with the direct confiscation of the product or the profit of the crime. The introduction of […]

IVASS Provision No.131/2023

On the 10th of May 2023, IVASS Provision No.131/2023 was published on the website of the Institute for the Supervision of Insurance. This document contains amendments and additions in the field of sustainable finance to the following four regulations in order to bring the Italian secondary legislation in line with the already directly applicable European […]

Artificial Intelligence And Privacy: The ChatGPT Case

With provision no. 112, as of 30 March 2023 the Italian Data Protection Authority (GDPA – The Guarantor for the protection of personal data in Italy) ordered the immediate temporary limitation on the processing of all personal data of the interested parties concerned in the Italian territory on the ChatGPT platform, the intelligent chatbot developed […]